
I didn't even fancy you that much at first. I didn't even like very much the first time we met. But gradually I started to see how beautiful you are. Through friends we would hang out more frequently and suddenly our relationship evolved and everything felt so much better with you. I didn't want to go a single day without you. You provided me with the kind of energy I had never felt before in my life. You had me feel all grown up and poetic. Until suddenly it got too much and I felt everything went so fast, too fast. I wasn't certain if I wanted to spend the rest of my life with someone like you, someone so addictive. I thought about leaving you, but I don't want to. You make me warm and things feel right with you. You're a part of my life. So let's just do this. Let's slow down a little bit and rather savour our time together. Making our relationship that more special. 

Yours truly.


  1. I can definitely relate with you on this, I personally found that grinding each individual cup and preparing it as a ritual makes the relation with coffee that much greater with a subtle balance of not suffocating the experience.


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